From the Thanksgiving connection, through your psychological analysis, recycling and how all of this has to do with Iraq – Here are Five less-known facts about the third Holiday of the Jewish calendar.
The Iraqi-American connection
In pre-independence North American colonies Jews would follow an old Iraqi custom of preparing fashioned birds out of hollow eggs in memory of departed family members. The custom probably reached North America as the first communities in the region were Sephardic.

The Sukkah-Boat
How about this for a romantic holiday – a sukkah boat in Venice! Guests can enjoy the canals under a canopy of branches.

Dream time!
The Talmud states – dreaming about an Etrog (The fruit of a Citrus tree) means that God considers us precious. This is based on a verse from the book of Leviticus.

Recycle your Sukkot gear
Way before the re-cycling trend Jews were doing it with their Sukkot gear! Pieces of dried Etrog combined with cloves to enhance the spices were used during Havdalah. The Lulav and Myrtle branches were lit as kindling when we searching and burning Chametz before Passover.

Did Sukkot help shape Thanksgiving?
According to some historians, Thanksgiving, celebrated since 1623 owes its origins to Sukkot. The festivals have several similarities: both include thanksgiving to God for the Fall harvest.