Who Is a Jew? Depends on Who’s Ben-Gurion’s Asking

דוד בן גוריון בחברת עולים חדשים במעברה, ישראל, שנות ה- 1950 (המרכז לתיעוד חזותי ע"ש אוסטר, בית התפוצות, באדיבות שמעון אביזמר, ישראל)

“The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people,” declared Israel’s first prime Minister David Ben-Gurion on the stage at Beit Dizengoff, 71 years ago today. To avoid desecrating the imminent Shabbat, he scheduled the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel for Friday afternoon, several hours before the cancellation of[…]

Slavery to Freedom with a Hijacked Plane: Refuseniks’ Operation Wedding

חברי החוליה שנתפסה. דימשיץ ראשון משמאל בשורה העליונה (צילום מסך מאתר הסרט הדוקומנטרי "מבצע חתונה")

In Jungian terms, Israel’s sweeping victory in 1967 symbolized an archetypal revolution of the common Jew. The archetypal passive, docile, and persecuted Diaspora “galut Jew” – whom Bialik slammed in his poem “City of Slaughter” in 1903 – morphed into that of the brave, heroic, flawless “Jewish soldier” who destroyed his mortal enemy in six[…]

Frankfurt School: The Jewish Intellectuals Who Made the 60’s

בחזית, משמאל: הורקהיימר, אדורנו. מאחור, בצד ימין: האברמס. היידלברג, 1964 (צילום: Jeremy J. Shapiro, Creative Commons)

Shame. That word seems to best define what Orthodox Marxists felt after World War I. “How did the tweedy high-brow men who filled the salons of Berlin, Vienna, and London screw up our proletarian revolution?” they asked each other. Why was it a Russian nation comprised mainly of illiterate farmers that adopted the collectivist utopia[…]

Bibo King: The Jewish Chief of a Native American Tribe

Exterior view of a church at Cibolleta, New Mexico, ca.1898

Israel is awash in a wave of nostalgia. Hipsters model 60s styles in Tel Aviv. Khaki pants star in Fashion Week. And retro raves attract hundreds of victims of the Static and Ben-El era, who gather to trade stories about the First Gulf War to the strains of Queen songs. Foreign media notes that nostalgia[…]

The Sorrows of Young Walther: Weimar’s Forgotten Jewish Leader

We can venture a guess as to what Walther Rathenau had on his mind during the few moments he lived after extreme right-wing assassins riddled his upper body with bullets in his hometown of Berlin. Perhaps one of the early 20th century’s greatest statesmen thought: My lifelong conflict has finally been solved. I am finally[…]

Despite It All, a Funny Girl: The Story of Jewish Comic Fanny Brice

פאני ברייס ב"שגיונות זיגפילד", 1920

Itzig Stern did everything possible to hide his Jewishness. He took pains to lose his Yiddish accent, read only anti-Semitic papers, and underwent dozens of plastic surgeries to fix his beaked nose, doe-like eyes, meaty lips, and thick tongue. His efforts paid off when he married a German-Christian bride. But the charade was revealed when[…]

Ben-Gurion’s Battle Against Bringing Jabotinsky’s Bones to Israel

דוד בן גוריון בקונגרס הציוני ה-19, לוצרן, שוויץ 1935. צילום: הרברט זוננפלד (בית התפוצות, המרכז לתיעוד חזותי ע"ש אוסטר, אוסף זוננפלד)

Use of Hitler’s accursed name to slam one’s adversaries is not the invention of poets. At least in this sense, Yitzhak Laor is in “good company.” One of the first to drop the German despot’s name for the sake of debasement is none other than Israel’s first prime minister David Ben-Gurion. A diplomatic genius with[…]

Last Jews on Earth: 400 Years of Living Underground

אישה מקהילת האנוסים מדליקה נרות שבת בביתה, בלמונטה, פורטוגל, שנות ה-1970 (בית התפוצות, המרכז לתיעוד חזותי ע"ש אוסטר, באדיבות פאולו אמילקר, פורטוגל)

Hiroo Onoda was a high-rank intelligence officer in the Japanese army. Sent during World War II to the Lubang island in the Philippines, his orders were to do literally everything to prevent the enemy from invading the island. Should he failed, he’d better not return to Japan, they said. Hiroo Onoda had no intentions to defy[…]

Kindly note: The Codex Sassoon gallery is closed until 31.3

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