The Patria Disaster: Forgotten Zionist Mass Tragedy

חלקת הקבר של נוסעי הספינה פאטריה בבית הקברות היהודי בחוף הכרמל (ויקיפדיה)

November 25, 1940, 9 am. The illegal immigration ship “Patria” is docking in Haifa port. Suddenly, a loud blast rips the side of the ship. Huge amounts of water flood the ship and within minutes the old ocean liner, carrying 2,000 passengers, starts to sink. Chaos and panic all around, old people slip and fall[…]

The Mysterious Childhood of King David

You can tell a lot about religions by their archetypal protagonist. Generally speaking, Christianity is fond of pure, untarnished guys, those who turn their other cheek. The Muslims adore men who sacrifice their lives to reach paradise, whereas the Buddhists respect he who can live an entire life doing one thing – avoiding. Avoiding over[…]

Black Hole: When the Worst Holocaust-Denier was Defeated

נמחק לה החיוך והיא יצאה לעבודה, להוכיח את מכחישי השואה ואירווינג בראשם. דברה ליפשטדט (צילום: ICRC, Creative Commons)

If we had to choose a date for “The Memorial Holocaust Denial Day”, it must be November 11. On this day in 2005 the historian David Irving, considered the greatest Holocaust deniers in the world, was arrested. This dubious title Irving owes to Deborah Lipstadt, a Jewish Professor from Emory University in Georgia. Lipstadt came from[…]

Menasseh Ben Israel and the Return of the Jews to England

בית דפוס באמטרדם, הולנד. תחריט מאת יאן לויקן, סוף המאה ה-17 (אוסף ס. אמרינג, המרכז לתיעוד חזותי ע"ש אוסטר, בית התפוצות)

Hear this out: Hitler wasn’t just a diabolic psychopath, but also a wretched plagiarizer of symbols and ideas. The yellow badge, for example, was borrowed from another Jew hater, who lived centuries before the Nazis came to power in Germany: Edward I King of England (1239-1309). Old Ed hated and loathed the Jews so much,[…]

Queen of the Desert: The Amazing Story of “Jewish Khaleesi”

A ruthless steadfast warrior, as well as a merciful leader who liberated thousands of slaves – this was Dihya al Kahina, a Jewish Berber Northern African woman. The Jewish Khaleesi, if you will, but unfortunately, not nearly as famous as that the Game of Thrones fictional character. Dihya al Kahina lived in Northern Africa at the end of the[…]

Rosh Hashanah: The Politics and Theology Behind Jewish Time

תפילת ראש השנה בבית הכנסת, שיראז, אירן 1973 (צילום: לני זוננפלד. המרכז לתיעוד חזותי ע"ש אוסטר, בית התפוצות, אוסף זוננפלד)

He who has control over time, has control over agendas. Therefore, it is not surprising that the greatest revolutions in history always sought an opportunity to change or replace the calendar in use: the leaders of the French revolution replaced the Gregorian calendar with a new one, in which each month had three weeks, ten[…]

Sacred Orgies: the Extremist Sabbatean Sect of Jacob Frank

אוה פרנק (נפטרה ב-1816) בתו של משיח שקר יעקב פרנק. הנהיגה את התנועה לאחר מותו (המרכז לתיעוד חזותי ע"ש אוסטר, בית התפוצות)

Surely, some concepts delivered by Judaism hit Jews back like a boomerang: God; the atom bomb; summer vacation, to name just a few, and also, the sociological concept of the excommunication. Such sanctions weren’t invented by the BDS movement, who simply adopted an old Jewish concept and used it against the Jews. The origin of the[…]

The 1901 Case: How Herzl Tried to Bribe the Sultan

דיוקן של בנימין זאב הרצל עם מלאך המחזיק את הדגל הציוני בהוצאת הקרן הקיימת לישראל, קלן, גרמניה שנות ה-1900 (בית התפוצות, המרכז לתיעוד חזותי ע"ש אוסטר, באדיבות רות ראובן)

The kind of bribe a leader receives or offers can reveal a lot on his set of values. Think, for example, about the elephant granted by Sultan Harun Al Rashid to Charles the Great, or the shoes that “Norman” the hustler bought for Prime Minister Micha Eshel in Yossef Cedar’s film, or the cash packed envelopes[…]

Jews and Occupation: How One Hand-Fan Started French Colonialism

חיילים יהודים בצבא הצרפתי בתקופת מלחמת העולם הראשונה, אלג'יריה, 1916. (בית התפוצות, המרכז לתיעוד חזותי ע"ש אוסטר, באדיבות ג'ראר קו-אל, ישראל)

Anti-Semites, the people who brought us The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the belief that any evil is caused by Jewish fortune, would probably rejoice at knowing that while the English branch of the Rothschild family funded the English wars against Napoleon in early 19th century, two wealthy Jewish families from Algeria supported Napoleon[…]

Kindly note: The Codex Sassoon gallery is closed until 31.3

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Soldiers in uniform, and Israelis evacuated from the south and the north
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Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv Entrance from gate #2 (Matatia gate)