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The Mike and Sofia Segal Center for Jewish Culture

The Mike and Sofia Segal Center for Jewish Culture presents a diverse array of activities and events at the museum, catering to the general public, families, and youth. The center is dedicated to creating a community space that embraces diverse identities and cultures through collaborative initiatives in the arts and cultural sectors. This includes lectures, performances, seminars, and more. 

The establishment of the cultural center was made possible by the generous support of Mike and Sofia Segal.

Center Manager: Hodaya Serlui

Events Calendar

Jews of Struggle, exhibition at ANU – Museum of the Jewish People
Thursday, 27.3.25 // 17:30

Book Launch: The Jewish Movement in the U.S.S.R. Through the Eyes of Its Members (Hebrew)

Book launch and discussions about the Jewish movement in the U.S.S.R.
from the film: "The Sturgeon Queens. director Julie Cohen
Friday, 28.3.25 // 10:00

The Sturgeon Queens (film)

The story of the famous deli during four generations and of its celebrated clients.
Sunday, 30.3 // 15:30

Finding Meaning in a Broken Land (Conference in Hebrew)

Scholars, researchers, bereaved family members, and survivors of captivity discuss meaning in times of loss and crisis.
יום שני, 31.3.25 // 16:15

The Jews of Iran - two lectures

The Jews of Iran: The megilah, languages and literature
Wednesday, 2.4.25 // 16:30

Letter to a Pig: film and discussion

Letter to a Pig: an animated film about an unusual survival story. A meeting with the filmmaker, Tal Kantor
7-10.4.25 // 10:30 | 12:00

Exhibit Tale - A Journey Through Artifacts (in Hebrew)

Small exhibits - great stories! A special new tour.
Thursday, 10.4 // 20:00

Stand-Up by Vladimir Raevsky – in Russian

Stand-Up by Vladimir Raevsky in Russian.
events calendar Dynow, Poland, January 2023. Photo: Meir Bulka
Friday, 25.4.25 // 9:00

Hasidism: Two Lectures

Prof. Gadi Sagiv and Dr. Michael Lukin on aspects of Hasidism
Wednesday, 7.5.25 // 16:30

Two Films: Full Support | Nili Block

Part 1: Full Support, film and meeting with Michal Cohen. Part 2: Nili Block, film and meeting with Tal Kushner and Yaniv Ben Aharon

Past Events

Events Calendar Dynow, Poland, January 2023. Photo: Meir Bulka
Friday, 21.3.25 // 9am // Past Event

The World of Hasidism: two lectures (Hebrew)

Hasidism - history, culture, music, films, cullinary. Fridays at 9am.
Thursday, 20.3.25 // 18:00 // Past Event

Culture and New Media

Tour, panel and lecture on new media in culture.
Wednesday, 19.3.25 / 16:30 // Past Event

Look, Soon You Won't See Anything: Film and Discussion

Part 1: Look, Soon You Won't See Anything by Matan Abramovitz - film and meeting. Part 2: films by graduates of the Ultra-Orthodox Women's Track of "Maale"
Courtesy of David Nissan. Series in Hebrew: the Jews of Iran
Monday, 17/3/25 // 16:15 // Past Event

The Jews of Iran: Ketubahs | Music and Musicians

Prof. Shalom Sabar: Ketubahs in Iran | Hadas Bram: Jewish music and musicians of Iran
Friday, 14.3.25 // 10:00 // Past Event

Purim, Carnival, and Ciphers in Art (Lecture in Russian)

Tatiana Savin on the concealing of Purim in art works.
14.3.25 - 16.3.25 // Past Event

Purim at ANU

Special guided tour | Davai's children's play | The Heroes Gallery
תערוכת "ויהי צחוק", תמונת יח"צ. אנו - מוזיאון העם היהודי
Wednesday, 5.3.25 // 19:00 // Past Event

How do you laugh in Hebrew, anyway?

Anu - Museum of the Jewish People and Tel Aviv Yafo Municipality invite new Olim to join us for the next event designed especially for you, a special comedy evening in honor of Purim.
Wednesday, 5.3.25 // 16:30 // Past Event

ADA - My Mother the Architect: film and discussion

The life and work of the renown architect Ada Karmi Melamede, in a film by Yael Melamede. After the film, a talk with Yael Melamede
Courtesy of David Nissan. Series in Hebrew: the Jews of Iran
17.2.25 - 3.6.25 // Past Event

Glimpses on the Jews of Iran (series in Hebrew)

Various lectures on the Jews of Iran - past and present. Mondays at 16:15
End of Love Season. Film by Shai Gal
27.11.24 - 28.3.25 // Past Event

Many Faces - Documentary Cinema on Jewish and Israeli Identity - held in Mishkan Raanana

Many Faces - Documentary Cinema on Jewish and Israeli Identity - held in Mishkan Raanana
Wednesday, 26.2.25 // Past Event

Family Food Stories 2025

For Family Day this year, we invite you to join us for a series of events about food, family and culture. Our "Family Food Stories" project, launched to coincide with this year’s Family Day, invites you to celebrate the power of the family meal and culinary traditions
Sunday, 23.2.25 // 19:00 // Past Event

All in the family: Israel and Tamara Aharoni (in Hebrew)

Sunday, 23.2.25 // 19:00 // Past Event

Ashkenazi Cuisine: Tradition on a Plate

A culinary lecture – a master class with tasting, dedicated to Family Day as part of the “Kitchen Stories” festival by FOODISH – the culinary department of ANU museum, supported by Nadav Foundation. The event will be led by cultural anthropologist and historian Anna Litvina-Semen
Segment from Street, Berlin by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1914. Original is displayed at the New Gallery, New York
Friday, 21.2.25 // 10:00 // Past Event

Expressionism. Night Time in Berlin (Lecture in Russian)

Elena Galinskaya on "Die Brücke", the Expressionism movement, and the art of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (in Russian)
יום רביעי, 19.2.25 // 16:30 // Past Event

It Happened on our Ground - film and discussion

a feminine personal portrait of a German aristocratic family who used their privileged position to save Jews from a concentration camp that was erected on their land
Demonstration for Russian Jews, New York, USA, c. 1980. Photo: Dr. Theodore Cohen, USA. The Oster Visual Documentation Center, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, courtesy of Dr. Theodore Cohen
Tuesday, 18.2.25 // 10:00 // Past Event

Mobilizing for Freedom: Lessons from the Soviet Jewry Movement 

ANU is pleased to welcome Sociologist Shaul Kelner from Vanderbilt University, as part of the launch of his seminal work, A Cold War Exodus: How American Activists Mobilized to Free Soviet Jews , for a conversation about the grassroots strategies that united a global Jewish commu
Odessa synagogue, 1860. From the weekly Allgemeine Illustrirte Judenzeitung
יום חמישי, 13.2 // 19:00 // Past Event

Zionism in Odessa – lecture in Russian

אילו סיפורים מאודסה מסתתרים מאחורי השמות המוכרים של רחובות תל אביב? הרצאה ברוסית - זאב וולק.
From Shattered Paradise by Ronit Ifergan. Photo: Emmanuelle Mayer
יום רביעי, 5.2.25 // 1630 // Past Event

Two Films: If This World Were a Sea, Shattered Paradise (in Hebrew)

If This World Were a Sea, Ari Davidovich's film, and Shattered Paradise, Ronit Ifergan's film
Natalie Nesher Aman. Photo: Mariana Stebeneva
יום שישי, 31.1.25 // 10:00 // Past Event

Lecture in Russian: How Jewish Collectors Changed the Art World

How Jewish Collectors Changed the Art World. Lecture in Russian by Natalie Nesher Aman
Photo by Arevik Aloyan
Sunday, 26.1.25 // 18:00 // Past Event

Motel Gordon - lecture in Russian

Motel Gordon, "Talmud Pedagogy: Jewish Sages as Jedis of Modern Education".
תצלום באדיבות NPO Chiune Sugihara Visas For Life
Friday, 24.1.25 // 11:00 // Past Event

Chiune (Sempo) Sugihara - commemorating his 125th Birthday

an event to commemorate the 125th birthday of the righteous Among the Nations Chiune (Sempo) Sugihara
Thursday, 23.1.25 // 1900 // Past Event

Olga Bergholz - The Voice (Russian)

Elena Yakovich's film on the "Muse of the Siege", Olga Bergholz, whose poems and diaries became the voice of an era.
Photos courtesy of the film Outsider. Freud, directed by Yair Qedar
Wednesday, 22.1.25 // 16:30 // Past Event

Outsider. Freud - Film and Discussion (Hebrew)

Sigmund Freud in four parts, through personal letters combined with animations
Sunday, 19.1.25 // 18:30 // Past Event

The Salonika and Greece Jewry Heritage – A Seminar (in Hebrew)

A seminar on researches of the heritage of Salonika and Greece Jewry, In honor of Rivka and Eng. Aharon Haim Rousso Z"L
מתוך המשפט האחרון של קפקא. באדיבות הפקת הסרט
Wednesday, 8.1.25 // 16:30 // Past Event

Kafka's Last Trial - Film and Discussion

Film screening and discussion with the filmmaker, Eliran Peled.
Codex Sasson at ANU - Museum of the Jewish People (photo: Itzik Biran)
שני-רביעי 6-8.1.2025 // Past Event

Codex Sassoon – Research Workshop

Three days of lectures and studies on Codicology, biblical and Masoretic Texts, history and museum display.
חנוכה במוזיאון אנו בתל אביב פעילות חנוכה
29.12.24-2.1.25 // Past Event

Hanukkah at ANU - Jewish Food Stories

New audio tours, dedicated to stories behind foods; actors and stories; the Heroes gallery
דה האן קול מחוץ לזמן - פוסטר עברית - דיגיטל
11.12.24 // 16:30 // Past Event

Jacob de Haan: A Voice Out of Time

A series of various documentaries, including meetings with the filmmakers. Wednesdays, 4:30pm-8pm.
Events Calendar Photo and poster from the film After the Rain. Courtesy of the producers.
Tuesday, 3.12.24 // 19:00 // Past Event

After the Rain: Putin’s Stolen Children Come Home

A documentary film by director Sarah McCarthy. Executive Producer Sheila Nevins, producers are Olga Beskmelnytsina and George Chignell.
decorative banner of Войны, репатрианты, антисемиты и Пастернак EVENT CALENDAR
יום חמישי, 28.11.24 // 11:00 // Past Event

Wars, Immigrants, Anti-Semites and Pasternak - in Russian

Presenting the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress 1924 yearbook, and a symposium on current issues of Euro-Asian Jewry.
Events Calendar Sasha Okun. Courtesy of his private archive.
Friday, 22.11.24 // 10:00 // Past Event

Sasha Okun - Art Lecture (in Russian)

Artist Sasha Okun on Artistic Encounters - in Russian + guided tour
Events Calendar Дмитрий и Ирина Шостакович. Фото из архива Фонда Дмитрия Шостаковича
Tuesday, 19.11.24 // 19:00 // Past Event

Couple. Shostakovich's Wife Recalls (in Russian)

Elena Yakovich's film about the life of Irina Antonova with her husband, Dmitri Shostakovich
events calendar Holy Land Rechovot Israel 1982 Photo Zion Ozeri
11.11.24 - 31.12.24 // Past Event

Jews of Yemen: The Last Generation

Zion Ozeri's exhibition explores the heritage of Yemenite Jews and, in many ways, documents the last generation of traditional Yemenite Jewry. Kindly set your visit in advance. Call or text: 03-5008080
Thursday, 7.11 // 17:30 // Past Event

Yom Ha'aliyah Events

Activities for Aliyah Day: personal stories by Olim, fair, Rock concert, and documentary films.
Sunday-Wednesday, 20-23.10 // Past Event

Sukkot with the Heroines of ANU

Sukkot activities for children and families. Sunday-Wednesday, 20-23.10
Sukkot Day Camp in Russian - banner with logo
20-22.10 // Past Event

Sukkot Day Camp in Russian

Fun, tours, workshops and games in Russian
Participants L to R: Dana Sender-Mulla (photo: Sigal Blair Gat), Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter (photo: Sari Goodfriend) , Kaley Halperin (photo: Yoheved Polonisky) , Jeremy-Fogel (photo: Aviv Neve), Dara Horn (photo: Michael Priest)
Monday, October 14, 1:30-3:00 PM ET/20:30-22:00 IL // Past Event

Between October Seventh & Simchat Torah

You're invited to a webinar for American Jewry and Israelis together to mark October Seventh.  Hosted with our friends at the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History.
Work by Ziva Jelin. Panoramic View, Sidewalk and Mud, , 2018, Acrylic and tar on canvas. Courtesy of Omer Rogovin.
Monday, 7.10 // 10:00-17:00 // Past Event

October 7th, the First Remembrance Day: Free Admittance and Guided Tours

Free entrance and guided tours on October 7th.
October Seventh exhibition. Shay Azulayת Sea of Tears, oil on canvas, 2020. link to October 7 exhibition
Friday, 27.9 // 10:00 // Past Event

October Seventh - A Special Gallery Talk

A special gallery talk about the October Seventh exhibition.
Friday, 20.9 // 10:00 // Past Event

The "Other Jews" of Amsterdam - lecture in Russian

The life of Ashkenazi Jews in Amsterdam during the 17th century. With Roman Grigoriev
Thursday, 19.9 // 18:30 // Past Event

Xueta Island – A Hidden History | Visit, Film, Symposium

A cinematic journey exploring Judaism and identity. Filmmaker Dani Rotstein reveals the Xueta community of Mallorca.
6-10.9 // Past Event

Three Spoons of Oil and Two Brushes: A Pop-up Exhibition

FOODISH – the Culinary Department of ANU – the Museum of the Jewish People, presents a new and unique ‘pop-up’ exhibition that connects the top chefs and leading figures of Jewish cuisine, with the top Israeli illustrators.
lecture in Russian by Anna Vilenskaya.
Thursday, 5.9 // 19:00 // Past Event

Klezmer Music - lecture in Russian

The affects of Klezmer music on classical and modern music.
Lev Gankin
יום חמישי, 29.8 // 19:00 // Past Event

Israeli Rock Through Global Lens - lecture in Russian

The lecture by music critic Lev Gankin will delve into the brief history of Israeli rock music and the unique interpretation it has given to global rock.
Alexandra Andreeva
Monday, 19.8 // 12:30 // Past Event

An Interactive tour with Alexandra Andreeva - in Russian

"Who Came Up With These Museums?" or " Where Does Time Go?" with Alexandra Andreeva, in Russian
Студия в Les Batignolles — картина Анри Фантен-Латура, созданная в 1870 году. В настоящее время работа находится в Музее Орсе (Франция, Париж)
יום שישי, 16.8 // 10:00 // Past Event

Impressionists and the Dreyfus Affair (in Russian)

Lecture in Russian on the impressionists and the Dreyfus affair + a guided tour in Russian.
14.8-29.8 // Sundays to Thursdays // Past Event

My Family of Heroes - Summer Activities

Heroes, family, comics - all in one ticket! Summertime at ANU.
Friday, 9.8 // 11:00 // Past Event

A Thematic Tour by Zeev Volk - in Russian

According to the tour guide, Zeev Volk, "one needs loads of knowledge and a fair amount of irony and humor to understand everything that is happening on the third floor of the museum."
Igor Torik's books
Thursday, 18.7 // 19:00 // Past Event

Book Launch –  An Encyclopedic Guide to Israel by Igor Torik (in Russian)

Book launch in Russian - Igor Torik Encyclopedia of Israel.
Dafna Sharon Maksimov
Friday, 12.7 // 10:30 // Past Event

Parenting in Times of Crisis (in Russian)

Theories and practices: how to help your child to develop resilience during these rough times.
Monday, 8.7 // 19:00 // Past Event

The Friends Association presents - Rooftop Jazz

Music, tour, farewell - a Friends Association summer event
Hilula of Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai in Lag Ba-Omer in the courtyard of El-Ghirba Synagogue, Djerba, Tunisia, 1981. Photo: Jan Parik. (The Oster Visual Documentation Center, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, courtesy of Jan Parik
Monday, 8.7 // 16:15 // Past Event

North Africa - Film and Lecture (in Hebrew)

Part I: the Jewish underground in Algeria, film by Prof. Rami Kimchi, part II: Hila Alpert on Fish dishes of Maghreb Jewry
Shalom Boguslavsky - Book Launch (in Hebrew)
Thursday, 4.7 // 20:00 // Past Event

Shalom Boguslavsky - Book Launch (in Hebrew)

Book launch - The Unlikely and Oft-Overlooked Story of the Rise and Fall of Jewish Eastern Europe / Shalom Boguslavsky
Hilula of Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai in Lag Ba-Omer in the courtyard of El-Ghirba Synagogue, Djerba, Tunisia, 1981. Photo: Jan Parik. (The Oster Visual Documentation Center, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, courtesy of Jan Parik
Monday, 1.7 // 16:15 // Past Event

Jews in North Africa - 2 Lectures (in Hebrew)

Part I: The Jewry of Algeria, Gabriel Abensour, part II: The liturgy of women from Djerba. Dr. Miriam Guez-Avigal.
Юлия Патракова
Friday, 28.6 // 10:00 // Past Event

Picasso and the Theme of War (Lecture in Russian)

How Pablo Picasso's "Guernica" changed our perception of war and how this work influenced Israeli artists coping with the October 7th tragedy.
Hilula of Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai in Lag Ba-Omer in the courtyard of El-Ghirba Synagogue, Djerba, Tunisia, 1981. Photo: Jan Parik. (The Oster Visual Documentation Center, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, courtesy of Jan Parik
Monday, 24.6 // 16:15 // Past Event

The Jews of North Africa - Two Lectures (in Hebrew)

The Jews of the Maghreb: part I: spiritual works in the Maghreb, Rabbi Prof. Moshe Amar.
Friday, 21.6 // 10:00 // Past Event

International Yoga Day at ANU Museum

Friends of ANU practice yoga, on International Yoga Day
Concert-Lecture – Polina Fradkina (in Russian)
Wednesday, 19.6 // 19:00 // Past Event

Concert-Lecture – Polina Fradkina (in Russian)

How can we worry and resent without hurting others? Polina Fradkina suggests music as a tool.
Wednesday, 19.6 // 16:30 // Past Event

Three Israeli Documentaries

The Waterfront - Film and discussion with the director, Alon Levy.
Sunday, 16.6 // 19:00 // Past Event

Love Under Turbulances (in Russian)

Самые частые и пронзительные вопросы всегда те, что связаны с изменениями в нашей жизни. И конечно, в жизни наших детей.
אילוסטרציה לאירוע קונספציות קורסות לאט מוזיאון אנו
Sunday, 9.6 // 18:00 till midnight // Past Event

Concepts Collapsing Slowly - A Symposium (in Hebrew)

Academics, cultural influencers, and spiritual leaders will share their insights, revealing concepts that have collapsed for them.
"October Seventh" at ANU - Museum of the Jewish People. Photo: Oz Schechter
Friday, 7.6 // 10:00 // Past Event

Gallery Talk at the Exhibition "October Seventh"

The Gallery talk will reveal some behind the scenes insights, the artist's stories, design guidelines, et al.
A village near the town of Pruzhany, Belorussia, autumn 1916. Unknown German photographer. The Oster Visual Documentation Center, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, courtesy of Gamal LTD., Kibbutz Sarid
Friday, 7.6 // 9:00 // Past Event

The Shtetl in Songs

First part: Motti Zalkin on the Shtetl, second part: Noga Eshed with Hebrew songs
Francesca - film by Lena Chaplin, Daniela Reiss, Bracha Zisman Cohen
Wednesday, 5.6 // 16:30 // Past Event

Francesca - Film and Discussion

A documentary about Francesca Mann, who shot a Nazi officer, and a meeting with the filmmakers, Lena Chaplin and Daniela Reiss.
Sunday, 2.6 // 18:30 // Past Event

Between the Stone and the Flower: The Duality of the Conversos (film)

Born in Cuba, Genie was raised a Catholic in Miami. Her story follows many twists and turns as she makes the difficult decision to convert to Judaism.
Mona Golabek. Courtesy - Hold on To Your Music Foundation
Wednesday, 29.5 // 19:00 // Past Event

The Children of Willesden Lane - Pianist Mona Golabek

Pianist Mona Golabek conveys her mother's inspiring story as a Jewish-Austrian Holocaust survivor.
End of Love Season. Photo design by Adva Littwitz
Wednesday, 29.5 // 16:30 // Past Event

End of Love Season

The story of Geula and Arik, breaking up at their late seventies.
Flying geese, Utagawa Hiroshige, 1835
24.5 // 10:00 // Past Event

Japan by Utagawa Hiroshige – Lecture in Russian

Lecture in Russian: Yelena Galinski on Utagawa Hiroshige.
16.5 // 19:00 // Past Event

Walks With Brodsky and So On (in Russian)

On the occasion of Joseph Brodsky's anniversary (born May 24 1940), we will hold a special event in Russian
Children with the flag, Beer Sheba, Israel, 1950s Photo: Leni Sonnenfeld. The Oster Visual Documentation Center, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People , Sonnenfeld Collection)
יום שלישי, 14.5 בשעות 10:00-17:00 // Past Event

Free Admittance and Special Activities on Yom Ha'Atzmaut!

The Heroes Gallery, a photo booth, guided tours, and a quest map - all free of charge on Yom Ha'Atzmaut.
Model of the wooden Synagogue in Zabludow, Poland. ANU – Museum of the Jewish People
10.5 // 9:00 // Past Event

Art in Wooden Synagogues and Synagogues Remains (Hebrew)

part 1: Ariella Amar on wooden synagogues, part 2: Meir Bulka on lost cemeteries.
foodish banner
9.5 // Past Event

International Museum Day

Lectures, guided tours, discounts and benefits on International Museum Day 2024
From GIADO – Holocaust in the Desert, film by Sharon Yaish and Golan Rise, 2023
8.5 // 16:30 // Past Event

Giado – Holocaust in the Desert - film and discussion in Hebrew

The unique diary of a Jewish prisoner in the Giado concentration camp in Libya is revealed.
6.5 // Past Event

Screening and Special Tour on Holocaust Remembrance Day

Guide tour, footage about forgotten towns, on Holocaust Day
Zikaron BaSalon 2024 BANNER
5.5 // 19:00 // Past Event

Zikaron BaSalon 2024

Second and First generation tell their Holocaust stories in an intimate talk.
שרה בלאו, שמעון אדף, אייל חיות-מן, נועה מנהיים, יהודית קגן
2.5 // 20:00 // Past Event

A Symposium on Jewish Fantasy Fiction (Hebrew)

Israeli authors Sarah Blau, Shimon Adaf, Judith Kagan, Ayal Hayut Man and Noa Mannheim talk about Jewish Fantasy Fiction.
24.4-28.4 // Past Event

Free Entrance Sponsored by Bank Hapoalim

This Chol HaMoed Pesach, as in each year, Bank Hapoalim sponsors a free admittance to ANU Museum for you.
Frans Hals - De officieren van de Sint-Adriaansdoelen
19.4 // 10:00 // Past Event

Frans Hals - Lecture in Russian

Roman Gregoryev: lecture about the artist Frans Hal + Guided tour at the museum
"October Seventh" at ANU - Museum of the Jewish People. Photo: Oz Schechter
12.4 // 10:00 // Past Event

Gallery Talk at the Exhibition "October Seventh"

The Gallery talk will reveal some behind the scenes insights, the artist's stories, design guidelines, et al.
Photo: Nathan Alpert, courtesy of the Government Press Office
12.4 // 10:00 // Past Event

In Memory of the Late Yitzhak Shamir – Film and Symposium

Milestones in Yitzhak Shamir's life as an Israeli leader.
Jewish tombstones revealed unintentionally, Lublin area, 2021. Photo: Meir Bulka
12.4 // 9:00 // Past Event

Lost Cemeteries + Expeditions to Eastern Europe

Two lectures in the "Shtetl" series: Meir Bulka on lost cemeteries, and Dr. Maria Caspina on expeditions to Eastern Europe.
"October Seventh" at ANU - Museum of the Jewish People. Photo: Oz Schechter
11.4 // 18:00 // Past Event

Gallery Talk at the Exhibition "October Seventh"

The Gallery talk will reveal some behind the scenes insights, the artist's stories, design guidelines, et al.
נתניזם, סרטו של אילן גולוד
10.4 // 16:30 // Past Event

Nathan-ism - Film and Discussion with Elan Golod

Nathan Hilu's rare pieces about the the Nuremberg trials.
Emigrants Boarding a Ship on the Hamburg-America Line. Photo: Heinrich Hamann, Hamburg, Germany, 1909
3.4 // 19:00 // Past Event

די גאלדענע ויטרינה - The Story of American Jewry (in Hebrew)

The story of American Jewry in philosophy, cinema, and music.
Sukkah in the courtyard of Salat Al Azama Synagogue, Marrakesh, Morocco, 1992. Photo: Than Wyenn. The Oster Visual Documentation Center, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, Than Wyenn collection
27.3 // 16:30 // Past Event

Prof. Sami Shalom Chetrit: Remembering Marrakech, Az'i Ayima

Prof. Sami Shalom Chetrit: on students from Morocco and Israel documenting Marrakech, and on his mother's life story
25.3 // 15:30 // Past Event

The Giant - a children's play

The Black Awl theater presents a musical stage show for kids, based on Julia Donaldson's loved bool "The Smartest Giant in Town".
24-25.3 // 10:00 - 17:00 // Past Event

Purim for the Whole Family (in Hebrew)

Purim recipes, fun photos, special tour, and the adorable Heroes Gallery at ANU!
Yelena Galinski
22.3 // 10:00 // Past Event

Henri Matisse (lecture in Russian)

The 155 anniversary of artist Henri Matisse - lecture and tour in Russian
Inbal Perlmutter - If You Let Me Go, film by Sharon Luzon and Avigail Sperber
20.3 // 16:30 // Past Event

Inbal Perlmutter - If You Let Me Go (film in Hebrew)

27 years after her tragic death, Inbal Perlmutter's personal diaries are revealed.
From A Treasure in Auschwitz, film by Yahaly Gat
15.3 // 9:00 // Past Event

Witchcraft in Shtetles + Film - A Treasure in Auschwitz

Two lectures in the "Shtetle" series: Prof. Shalom Sabar on witchcraft and amulets, Yahaly Gat on his film A Treasure in Auschwitz
From "Once Upon A School" by Tal Becher
13.3 // 16:30 // Past Event

Once Upon A School (film in Hebrew)

The story of The Midrashia, the flagship of religious Zionism in Israel, founded before the establishment of the state.
Dr. Orit Shaham Gover, Oshra Yosef Friedman
8.3 // 10:00 // Past Event

Symposium and Tour for International Women's Day

Dr. Orit Shaham Gover Oshra Yosef Friedman in an inspirational symposium for 2024 Women's Day
Sergei Dovlatov
7.3 // 19:00 // Past Event

It's A Hard Life. Yours, Sergei Dovlatov (film in Russian)

Sergei Dovlatov had a strange fate. All he wanted was for his books to be published, but that did not happen in his homeland, so he left. "All they know is to adore the dead" he once wrote – which came true after his death.
1.3 // 10:00 // Past Event

Goddess, Mother, Lover, Prostitute (in Russian)

Lecture by Tatyana Savin-Masenznik + guided tour in Russian
The book cover of Путешествие в Страну Израиля в 800-м году шестого тысячелетия
29.2 // 18:30 // Past Event

Book Launch: Elhanan Leib Lewinsky (in Russian)

A book launch of the first Russian translation of Elhanan Leib Lewinsky's best-known work, Masaʻ le-Erets Israʼel bi-Shenat Tat (Journey to the Land of Israel in the Year [5]800, 1892.
From the film The Three of Us by Henya Brodbeker
28.2 // 16:30 // Past Event

The Three of Us - Film and Discussion

A young Orthodox couple defies norms to integrate their autistic son. Film and discussion with the filmmaker, Henya Brodbeker.
Atia synagogue in Mogador. Photo: Sidney Corcos, 2022. © Sidney Corcos
26.2 // 16:15 // Past Event

Synagogues in Mogador and Baghdad

Community members talk about synagogues in Mogador and Baghdad
Shalom Ukraine – film in Ukrainian
21.2 // 19:00 // Past Event

Shalom Ukraine – film in Ukrainian

Marking the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, you are invited to watch the film "Shalom Ukraine", by Israeli comedian Ilya Axelrod.
Спикеры мероприятия слева направо: Алексей Резников, Ксения Светлова, Сергей Ауслендер, Игорь Соловей
20.2 // 17:00 // Past Event

Between Two Wars - Symposium in Russian

ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, "Israeli Friends of Ukraine," and the Nadav Foundation invite you to a symposium marking the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, while Israel is facing the outcomes of the atrocious events of October 7th.
Temple Emmanuel in New York. Painting by Shemuel Katz, 1999. The Oster Visual Documentation Center, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, courtesy of Shemuel Katz
19.2 // 16:15 // Past Event

Temple Emanu-El in New York

Temple Emanu-El in New York - Dr. David Barak-Gorodetsky; prayer and cantorship. Dr. Amalia Kedem
Ilya Kolmanovsky
13.2 // 19:30 // Past Event

Ilya Kolmanovsky - Lecture (in Russian)

How did humans learn to cooperate? And why do they dehumanize strangers? What do Zoologists think about aggressions, wars, and propaganda?
Ilya Kolmanovsky
13.2 // 17:00 // Past Event

Ilya Kolmanovsky for Children and Parents (in Russian)

Lecture in Russian - How do fast food and habits affect our brain? Suitable for children older than 6yo.
8.2 // 18:30 // Past Event

Perceptions of Israel in the USA and Europe (in Russian)

ANU - the Museum of the Jewish People, NADAV Foundationת and the media project “Country and World”, hold a conference in Russian dedicated to the world’s perception of the war with Hamas in light of world politics.
From the film Open for me sister by Hani Eisenstein. Photo: Boaz Yehonathan Yaacov
7.2 // 16:30 // Past Event

Israeli Traumas in Documentaries: 1973 and 2023

Israeli Traumas in Documentaries - Shmulik Duvdevani + Charedi women filmmakers
דגם של בית הכנסת בוונציה, אנו - מוזיאון העם היהודי
5.2 // 16:15 // Past Event

The Medieval Synagogue in Köln + Architecture in Italian Synagogues

Architecture and faith in synagogues in Northern Italy + The medieval synagogue in Köln
The Pardesi Syangogue, Cochin, India, 1968. The Oster Visual Documentation Center, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, courtesy of M.K. Gabriel Babu, India
29.1 // 16:15 // Past Event

Synagogues in the India + Sahara

Synagogues in Spain and in India | synagogues in the Anti-Atlas and Sahara, South-West Morocco
A model of Ecclesia and Synagoga at ANU – Museum of the Jewish People
26.1 // 10:00 // Past Event

How the Jew is Presented in European Art - lecture in Russian

Lecture and tour in Russian
Chasidic Stories and Songs BANNER
26.1 // 9:00 // Past Event

Chasidic Stories and Songs

הרצאה ומופע: ד"ר זאב קיציס על מדז'יבוז', גרשון לייזרסון וחברי תזמורת הכליזמר הישראלית, עם וירה לוז'ינסקי ואיגור אוסטרובסקי
Praying at the Synagogue in Wallaka, Ethiopia, 1984 Photo: Doron Bacher. The Oster Visual Documentation Center, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People
22.1 // 16:15 // Past Event

Synagogues in Yemen and Ethiopia

Two lectures on synagogues: Dr. Menashe Anzi and Dr. Sharon Shalom
Yelena Galinski
5.1 // 10:00 // Past Event

In Search of Light and Motion (in Russian)

In Search of Light and Motion - lecture + guided tour in Russian
poster of the play Finist, the Bright Falcon
4.1 // 18:30 // Past Event

Finist, the Bright Falcon - a Play in Russian

A video screening of the play Finist, the Bright Falcon. The director, Zhenya  Berkovich, was arrested alongside the play’s author, Svetlana Petriychuk, after investigators alleged that the contents of their award-winning play were illegal.
Walking with Brodsky - film (in Russian)
27.12 // 18:30 // Past Event

Walking with Brodsky - film (in Russian)

Alexei Shishov and Yelena Yakovich's documentary about Joseph Brodsky. (in Russian)
22.12 // 10:00 // Past Event

Who Did Rembrandt Paint? (in Russian)

Who Did Rembrandt Paint? - Models, Clients, Spectators. Dr. Roman Grigoryev.
15.12 // 10:00 // Past Event

Pilgrimages in the Ancient World (in Russian)

In Russian: Dr. Boris Chaimovich: Pilgrimages in the Ancient World: Egypt, Greek, Rome, Judea + guided tour
Isaac Malik The Hunt, 1918
14.12 // 18:30 // Past Event

Odesa Tel Aviv: tour with curator Lecia Voiskoun (in Russian)

A guided tour with the curator, Lecia the new exhibition Odesa – Tel Aviv: Hebrew Literature and Universal Art 
13.12 // 19:30 // Past Event

Red October - A Play in Russian

Red October - A Play in Russian
8.12 // 10:00 // Past Event

Artist Niko Pirosmani (in Russian)

Yelena Galinski's lecture: Niko Pirosmani
1.12 // 10:00 // Past Event

Food in Art of the U.S.S.R (in Russian)

Tatiana Savin on Food in Art of the U.S.S.R (in Russian) + guided tour in Russian
30.11 // 18:30 // Past Event

Jewish Amulets (in Russian)

A collaboration between ANU Museum and "Da" - an online project about Eastern European Jewry.
24.11 // 10:00 // Past Event

Cinema Addiction (in Russian)

A lecture by Alina Rebel: why and how do people get addicted to series and what are the outcomes?
10.11 // 10:00 // Past Event

Bulgakov and Stalin - lecture (Russian)

Bulgakov and Stalin Михаил Булгаков в знаменитом письме к правительству СССР, обозначил свое кредо – сатирический писатель. Нельзя было представить более неудачного времени для сатиры, чем сталинские годы. И тем не менее диалог между Булгаковым и Сталиным состоялся. С того дня
Illustration on the cover of “Nathan” by Arthur Solomonov
3.8 // 19:00 // Past Event

Anatoliy Beliy Reads from “Nathan” (in Russian)

Анатолий Белый представит сатирический роман о похождениях Натана Эйпельбаума и его друга, говорящего енота Тугрика. Из предисловия автора к книге: «Стоит предупредить о законах (или даже беззаконии) этог
Tisch B’Av event
25.7 // Past Event

Tisch B’Av 

Tisch B’Av - when a low point in the Jewish Calendar meets a high point of tension, let’s meet the other. July 25, a day before the 9th of Av
9.7 // 19:00 // Past Event

A Meeting with Alexander Molochnikov (in Russian)

Приглашаем на встречу с  режиссером театра и кино Александром Молочниковым, на которой он расскажет о прошлых и будущих проектах, о Московском театре и кино последних двадцати лет, покажет фрагменты спектаклей в МХТ им Чехова, Большом и театре
Yelena Galinski
7.7 // 10:00 // Past Event

The Woman in a Green Bugatti – lecture (in Russian)

Лекция искусствоведа Елены Галинской ЖЕНЩИНА В ЗЕЛЕНОМ БУГАТТИ. Тамара де Лемпицка (1898 — 1980) — знаковая фигура в живописи прошлого столетия. Она была подданной Российской империи, жила в Варшаве и Петербурге, слава
26.6 // 19:00 // Past Event

From the Maghreb With Love

The best of Maghreb musical tradition! With Lior Elmalich, one of the great voices of Andalusian singing, and the Darya ensemble.
Dr. Elena Berman
23.6 // 10:00 // Past Event

"With This Ring..." - Wedding Rings (Russian)

Начиная со второй половины XX века и до настоящего времени производство и продажа обручальных колец является самым стабильным сектором мирового ювелирного рынка. На лекции мы поговорим о том, с чего начинается история обручального кольца и причем здесь Тора, праотец Яков, школа Г
Irit Shapira Meir
18.6 // 11:00 // Past Event

Rosh Chodesh Talks - June

From a museum without a Collection to an Object-Based Exhibition - with curator Irit Shapira Meir
9.6 // 9:00 // Past Event

Jewish Culture in Odessa

"How it Was Done in Odessa" (Isaak Babel). A series of lectures by ANU – Museum of the Jewish People & Beit Shalom Aleichem. Fridays, once a month at 9am, Lectures are held in Hebrew. Series editor: Rivka Aderet | Academic counselor: Dr. Aviva Tal
7.6 // 16:30 // Past Event

Jewish and Israeli Documentary Films - Series (Hebrew)

Jewish and Israeli Documentary Films - Series (Hebrew). Wednesdays, once in two weeks, 4.30pm-8pm
23.5 // 19:00 // Past Event

A Talk With Oleksiy Arestovych (in Russian)

Oleksiy Arestovych, a Ukrainian blogger, military and political commentator Приглашаем на паблик-ток с известным украинским опинион-мейкером Алексеем Арестовичем. Мероприятие пройдет при участии чрезвычайного и полномочного посла Израиля в Украине Михаэля Бродского.
Елены Якович
21.5 // 19:00 // Past Event

The Sakharov File - Film (in Russian)

The Sakharov File - Film (in Russian) В фильм вошли съемки КГБ скрытой камерой во время ссылки Сахарова в Горьком, уникальные документы и фотографии. 14 декабря 1989 года, за три часа до смерти Сахаров дал интервью казахским кинематографистам для фильма
Haim Ghiuzeli
21.5 // 11:00 // Past Event

Rosh Chodesh Talks - May

An introduction about the databases of ANU, with historian Haim Ghiuzeli
11.5 // 19:00 // Past Event

Alexander Galich – a Lecture by Leonid Klein (in Russian)

Alexander Galich – a Lecture by Leonid Klein (in Russian) "Непрочитанный Галич" - лекция Леонида Клейна
11.5 // Past Event

The Israeli Excellence Week

Two special benefits during Exellence week
26.4 // 12:00-17.00 // Past Event

Celebrate Independence Day at ANU Museum, Free Admittance!

On Israel’s 75th Independence Day you are invited to enter ANU Museum for free! 26.4, 12am-5pm. Reservations only.
18.4-17.4 // Past Event

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Guided tour dedicated to "memory", cinema lecture, and Zikaron Basalon - testimonies by Holocaust survivors.
Veniamin Smekhov: Poetry Therapy (in Russian)
13.4 // 19:00 // Past Event

Veniamin Smekhov: Poetry Therapy (in Russian)

Poetry reading, performed by the legendary actor Veniamin Smekhov, with poems by Krylov, Gumilev, Yesenin, Kharms and more. The event is held in Russian
7.4 // 11:00 // Past Event

40 Minutes with Moses – A play for children (in Russian)

Спектакль «40 минут с Моисеем» Moshe the guard and Shura the cleaner take you on an interactive journey following the liberation from Egypt in a new play, written and performed by new olim in Russian.
פסח חינם אנו מוזיאון בתל אביב
7.4-11.4 // Past Event

Visit ANU for Free during Pesach! (except 8.4)

This Pesach you are invited to enjoy ANU Museum for free! Courtesy of Bank Hapoalim. Reservations only.
20.3 // 19:00 // Past Event

Semyon Altov Comedy Show (Russian)

Семён Альто Semyon Altov is a famous, admired comedy writer of the former U.S.S.R, performed by Russian greatest comedians such as Gennady Khazanov, Efim Shifrin, Klara Novikova, et al. Even at 78 years of age, he still performs, bringing his loved comedy with his typical voice.
17.3 // 10:00 // Past Event

Crossing Fates (in Russian)

Lecture in Russian: Crossing Fates: Maria Belkin’s book about poet Marina Tsvetaeva Мари́на Цвета́ева.
10.3 // 10:00 // Past Event

The Madonna of Leningrad (in Russian)

Lecture in Russian: The Madonna of Leningrad – poet Olga Berholtz Lecturer: Natalia Gromova After the lecture, a guided tour in the museum will be held.
Women Who Held Flowers - Film in Russian
8.3 // 19:00 // Past Event

Women Who Held Flowers (Russian)

Женщины, которые держали цветы. In the summer of 2020, thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Minsk, Grodno, and other cities in Belarus, demanding change. As protests were crushed and the men were arrested, the women of Belarus decided to take charge.
Banner with Hebrew text for Purim activity at ANU Museum
7-8.3 // Past Event

Happy and Funny Purim!

Here at ANU you can find megilot, costumes, graggers, songs, and dances, all year round, not only in Purim. Come see them at ANU this Purim vacation. You will receive a map showing you where to search for Purim items inside the new, enormous museum.

Kindly note: The Codex Sassoon gallery is closed until 31.3

Plan Your Visit

Visiting Hours


Admission Prices (NIS)

Israeli Senior citizens
Persons with disabilities, college/university students, “olim”
Children under 5 years old
Free entrance
Soldiers in uniform, and Israelis evacuated from the south and the north
free entrance (please show I.D.)

Agents and Groups


Our Location

Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv Entrance from gate #2 (Matatia gate)