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Codex Sassoon – Research Workshop

שני-רביעי 6-8.1.2025 // Past Event

First of its kind research seminar by the Israel Science Foundation in cooperation with ANU – Museum of the Jewish People and Bar Ilan University, on Codex Sassoun – the Earliest Most Complete Edition of the Hebrew Bible, donated last year to ANU Museum after acquired by Alfred Moses for 38 million dollars.

Three days of lectures and studies on Codicology, biblical and Masoretic Texts, history and museum display.

Free admittance – please register in advance.

לוגו אוניברסיטת בר אילן         לוגו הקרן הלאומית למדע

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Seminar Program:

Monday, January 6 2025, Beck Auditorium, Bar Ilan University

12:30pm assembling

1pm opening

Yosef Ofer, Bar Ilan University, Opening speech

Michael Avioz Dean of the Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar Ilan University, Greetings

First Session: The Reading of the Torah and the Biblical Text

Mordechai Weintraub, Institute for Hebrew Bible Manuscript Research Reading the Torah in the Land of Israel: the testimony of the Sassoon manuscript and other Tiberian manuscripts (Hebrew Lecture)

Jonathan Howard, Ben Gurion University The Text of Codex Sassoon in Light of the Tiberian Masoretic School and its Surroundings (Hebrew Lecture)

Second Session: The Methods of Codex Sassoon’s Scribe

Yossi Peretz, Mikra’ot Gedolot Haketer, Bar Ilan University and Talpiot College The Tradition of Open and Closed Sections in Ms. Sassoon 1053 (Hebrew Lecture)

Leeor Gottlieb, Department of Bible, Bar-Ilan University About the Lines and Between the Lines: Irregular Lines Rendered by the Scribe of Codex Sassoon 1053 (Hebrew Lecture)

Third Session: The Masora and the Biblical Versions

Yosef Ofer, Bar Ilan University A Comprehensive Presentation of Masora Comments – A Challenge for Scholars in the Twenty-First Century (Hebrew Lecture)

Tuesday, January 7 2025 at ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, Chronosphere Auditorium

9:30 opening

Oded Revivi, CEO, ANU Museum – greetings

Fourth Session: The Book and the Ink

Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, University of Oxford – The making and the Script of Codex Sassoon

Ira Rabin, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) & Nehemia Gordon, Institute for Hebrew Bible Manuscript Research
The Inks of Early Bible Masoretic Codices

Fifth Session: The work of the Scribe and the Masorete

Nehemia Gordon, Institute for Hebrew Bible Manuscript Research Scribal Corrections in MS Sassoon 1053

Vince Beiler, University of Cambridge The place of MS Sassoon 1053 among Early Manuscripts: A Consideration of Its Masorah Parva Recension and Paratextual Features

2pm: Lunch Break

Sixth Session: Biblical Manuscripts – Locating and Making Accessible to the Public

Orit Shaham-Gover, Chief curator of ANU – Museum of the Jewish People Between Preservation and Presentation: Codex Sassoon at the ANU Museum (A gallery tour followed by discussion; (Hebrew Lecture)

Yitzchack Gila, Yael Okun, Ezra Chwat and Yaakov Fox, National Library of Israel Can We Discover What Is Known? Manuscripts and Their Transformations Between Private and Public Domain (Hebrew Lecture)

Wednesday, January 8 2025 at ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, Chronosphere Auditorium

Seventh Session: The Masoretes of Codex Sassoon

Yosef Ofer, Bar Ilan University Between Two Masoretes: The Style and Working Methods of Each Masorete of the Sassoon Codex (Hebrew Lecture)

Neria Klein, Bible Project, Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Connections of Codex Sassoon and the Aleppo Codex (Hebrew Lecture)

Eighth Session: Codex Sassoon through the Ages

Miriam Frenkel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Sassoon Codex against the backdrop of a Jewish Cultural Revolution (Hebrew Lecture)

Shaul Seidler-Feller, Sotheby’s Books and Manuscripts Department “Nor Is It across the Ocean” (Deut. 30:13)? On the Journey of Codex Sassoon from Turkey to Tel Aviv

2pm: Lunch Break

Ninth session: conclusion (TBA)

Codex Sasson at ANU - Museum of the Jewish People (photo: Itzik Biran)
Codex Sasson at ANU – Museum of the Jewish People (photo: Itzik Biran)

Kindly note: The Codex Sassoon gallery is closed until 31.3

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Israeli Senior citizens
Persons with disabilities, college/university students, “olim”
Children under 5 years old
Free entrance
Soldiers in uniform, and Israelis evacuated from the south and the north
free entrance (please show I.D.)

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Our Location

Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv Entrance from gate #2 (Matatia gate)