результаты поиска
члены совета директоров
Irina Nevzlin
Ms. Adi Akunis
CEO of the Israel Friends of ANU and Director of External Relations
Ms. Naama Klar
Director of the Koret International School for Jewish Peoplehood
Ms. Michal Houminer
Project Manager and Curator in the Temporary Exhibitions Division
Ms. Simona Benyamini
Director, The Bernard H. and Miriam Oster Visual Documentation Center
Ms. Gloria Golan
Executive Director, American Friends of ANU - Museum of the Jewish People
Content Committee
Prof. Raanan Rein – Chair | Lior Gabai | Prof. Yael Darr | Gil Omer | Dr. Ruth Shamir Popkin | Efrat Laxer | Ariel Borschevsky | Galit Gaon | Anat Hoffman | Prof. Gideon Shimoni
Finance Committee
Eyal Gabbai – Chair | Lior Gabai | Meital Kahlon
Marketing Committee
Gil Omer – Chair | Michal Simler | Yaniv Zuckerman | Eitan Weizman | Yona Wiesenthal
Audit Committee
Tsipi Helman – Chair | Shai Rosenstock | Gadi Meiri (Hareli LTD) – Internal Auditor